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Employment agent

A customer displays increased errors, quicker fatigue, difficulty concentrating, etc.

  • This could indicate a potential brain injury.
  • Returning to work after such an injury is not always straightforward.
  • The individual with a brain injury may aspire to resume their previous role, or they might prefer a different position, a new workplace, or a revised daily routine.

As a job mediator or career advisor, your role is crucial.

  • Assessing the individual's work options can be challenging.
  • Understanding the person's opportunities and obstacles, determining necessary adjustments, and considering if a modified task range is needed are key considerations.

Here you will find guidance to assist you, as a mediator or career counselor, in offering personalised support to the individual.

The questions are categorised into four main topics:

  • Brain Injury: Information related to acquired brain injuries.
  • Thinking about work: Answers to work-related queries during the recovery phase.
  • Working with a Brain Injury: Responses to questions about returning to work.
  • Staying in work with a Brain Injury: Guidance on maintaining employment post-injury.

👉 Click on one of the four topics for further information.

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View the specific information tailored for other stakeholders involved, such as the person with an ABI, the employer, or healthcare team.
